Controlling Emotions

Your Emotions will and do effect your health.  Remember that we have to “Renew” our mind, will, and emotions in order to reach and sustain improved levels of health.  The following are key points to remember when it comes to emotions.


–       Emotions absolutely can be controlled , IT IS YOUR CHOICE


–       Positive Emotions have positive effects on the body, Negative Emotions have negative effects


–       Most negative emotions, if not all, come from 2 sources – 1) Fear  2) Selfishness / Pride


–       All negative emotions will negatively affect the body – minor to severe side effects


–       Negative emotions can definitely override good nutrition and exercise

  • *May not totally override, but definitely will work against them


–       Some Negative Emotions

  • Stress, Anxiety, Jealousy, Unforgiveness


“A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones.”

Proverbs 14:30


“A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22



How To Overcome


1)    Realize that emotions can steal, kill, and destroy your health and life


2)    Make yourself aware of where negative emotions do or could exist in your everyday life


3)    Get rid of fear and selfishness / pride

  1. a. “God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

II Timothy 1:7

  1. Be Thankful, Caring, & Loving
  2. Focus on helping and serving others
  3. **Speak and Think only on positive things no matter how you feel or the circumstances


4)    Surround yourself with Positive People and a Positive Atmosphere

  1. Find others that are going where you want to go or others who are already there
    1. i.     Exercise together
    2. ii.     Lunch, Dinner
    3. iii.     Bible Study, etc


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