2017. How to make it a great one, for YOU!

boysobstacleHappy New Year!!  Ye baby 2017 is going to be the best year yet for me, my family, and God-Built!

One of the most important things you can do right now is to go ahead and declare what I just said, or something else very positive and Confident about this year, 2017, for you personally.  Do Not just “wait and see” how 2017 turns out for you.  Do Not just “hope” it turns out to be a great year.  And Do Not base this year’s goodness for you personally on whether or not you face challenges or not.  Challenges are going to come.  They always do.  And yes sometimes they come harder and more often.  Sometimes they come in the form of tragedy.  So do not put your hopes in “no challenges or adversity”.  Put your hope in Christ who has already empowered you to overcome anything you will face this year.

Me, LeAnne, and the boys all named 1 thing that we wanted to “improve in” for this year.  It was great to hear the boys tell what their goal was to improve on, and to have them involved in this “family unit plan” on a personal level.  When it came my turn to name 1 thing I was expecting to improve on, I had many things run through my mind, all of which I had already been thinking on: health; finances; God-Built; etc.  The one thing though that really jumped out as the most important though as we talked about it was to be a better Daddy and husband.  And no I didnt say that at the time just because it might have looked and sounded good being there with the family.  I meant it and realized at that point that it truly was the most important goal for me to focus on this year.

Now I know that for me to meet that goal, I am going to have to #1 improve in my relationship with The Father.  And better yet, I dont have to, I “GET TO”!  I realize that anytime I improve my understanding of Him and His Love for me, it helps me in any and every area of my life!  And this is one of the reasons why I am so excited about 2017 for God-Built.  I am focusing our attention to more of Teaching and Coaching people:

on the power of realizing God’s Love;

The power inside each person;

How to use this power to steer their health and lives in a more positive direction.

Now of course this has been the main stay and foundation of God-Built and our programs since we first opened in 2001.  The majority of our time spent with people though has been helping them with the physical: Nutrition and Exercise.  And while yes these 2 components are very important, they are not the most important.  So it is time for us to literally “put our money where our mouth is”!

We still will offer Personal Training and Sports Performance Training for Athletes.  And we have done a good bit of on site Health & Life Improvement Coaching over the last 16 years, but now we are going to put most of our focus there.  And I am excited about where God is taking us and how He IS using God-Built to fulfill the vision He gave years back: GOING INTO ALL THE WORLD TEACHING PEOPLE WHO THEY ARE IN CHRIST, THROUGH FITNESS.


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